Category: Medical Malpractice

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Medical Malpractice in Military Hospitals

As a civilian, if you’re the victim of medical negligence or malpractice, you have the right to sue the doctors or…

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Mother Awarded $53 Million In Birth Injury Lawsuit

A Chicago-area mother has been awarded $53 million in a birth injury lawsuit. Lisa Ewing gave birth to her son, Isaiah,…

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The New Medical Lawsuit Trend: Doctors Taking Bribes

You don’t need to look far to find the for-profit fabric of American healthcare fraying. Turning a service profession…

Jury Awards $20 Million In Malpractice Lawsuit

Last week, an Alabama jury awarded $20 million in punitive damages to the family of a woman who died from an opiate…

Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death In the US

Some say that US healthcare is the best in the world, often using this rallying cry as a means to prevent changes to the…

The New Malpractice: Docs Committing Medicare Fraud

A New Jersey doctor has been indicted for a Medicare fraud scheme that allegedly conned the government into paying him…