Mesothelioma Treatment: Tips for Beating Your Illness

When you’re diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. But after the shock of the diagnosis wears off, it’s time to focus on your treatment. Here’s a battle plan for fighting and defeating mesothelioma.

Assess the Enemy

  • You’re going to make some important decisions about your treatment so hold off on making other major life decisions such as moving, changing jobs, or buying a home until you’ve made it through mesothelioma treatment. Stress has a big effect on how people make decisions.
  • Learn everything you can about mesothelioma and all the different treatment options available to you. Find out what’s unique about your own situation, too. According to the American Cancer Society, learning about your diagnosis can increase your sense of control and provide confidence.

Gather Your Army

Rally Your Resources

  • Get as much detail as you can about your financial situation and any health insurance coverage you may have, including Medicaid, if applicable. Estimate your costs and make a plan for covering them. Relieving financial strain will help you focus on getting healthy.
  • Make a plan to take care of yourself every day – physically, mentally, and spiritually – just as you’d do for a loved one with cancer. Exercising, eating right, socializing, attending church, or joining a support group are activities that will help you feel energized, supported, and ready to battle your illness.

Launch Your Attack

  • Celebrate every victories, even small ones. Find a way to give yourself credit for each positive move you take. Your state of mind can be as important as your physical state. Keep an eye out for depression, which can be common in cancer patients.
  • Anticipate the physical changes that may come as a result of your chosen mesothelioma treatment. For example, insurance will often help pay for wigs, prostheses, and adaptive devices.

A personal injury attorney may also be your ally in the fight against mesothelioma. Contact our legal team to find out if you may be eligible to have your mesothelioma treatment costs or other expenses paid for.