Toxic Tort Lawyer in Chicago

Are you looking for a toxic tort lawyer?
Most toxic injuries or “toxic tort” cases usually come when a worker is exposed to a hazardous material, or when an individual takes a dangerous pharmaceutical and has adverse effects. This includes exposure to pesticides, radiation, and even asbestos. If you have been exposed to dangerous substances and are experiencing adverse effects, call a toxic tort lawyer from Balkin Law Group .
Are toxic tort cases increasing?
Many recent toxic injury cases are called “mass torts.” This is because, in these cases, the chemicals or harmful drug has affected many people, and sometimes, entire groups of people. Some of these cases include large-scale chemical contamination, agricultural contamination, ground water contamination, and fracking. Over the past 30 years, the number of toxic tort cases has risen. The Internet and media outlets have increased awareness of both corporate excess and environmentalism, which have helped increase the awareness and in turn the number of toxic tort cases. It is the responsibility of a toxic tort lawyer to protect both people, and the environment. If you or a family member has been exposed to harmful chemicals or pharmaceuticals, call a toxic tort lawyer from the Balkin Law Group today for a free case evaluation.
Pharmaceutical Toxic Tort Cases
While many people are familiar with medical malpractice cases against doctors and hospitals, less are aware that dangerous side effects from prescription drugs are considered mass tort cases because the drugs have toxic effects, are generally taken by thousands of people, and are technically a “defective product.” Typically these cases are filed against:
- Drug manufacturers and distributors
- Individual prescribing doctors and hospitals
A successful pharmaceutical case requires a lot of skill, understanding, and knowledge in the fields of: medicine, toxic torts, pharmacology, and products liability. If you have had adverse affects from a pharmaceutical, call an experienced toxic tort lawyer from Balkin Law Group . We have decades of experience fighting against pharmaceutical companies for people just like you. Call a toxic tort lawyer from Balkin Law Group for a free case evaluation.
Occupational Toxic Torts
Occupational cases generally begin as workers compensation cases though the suit is brought against someone other than the employer. These cases arise when an employee of an organization is exposed to toxic materials in the course of their duties, but the manufacturer of a product or other party was at fault.
Residential & Agricultural Toxic Torts
Toxic consumer products, and other contaminants have created a rising trend in the number of residential toxic tort cases. Some common examples include:
- Residential mold contamination
- Wood and carpets treated with formaldehyde
- Toxic injuries from pesticides
- Toxic Chinese Drywall
- Toxins in the air or drinking water
- Farm and Ranch Agricultural Contamination
- Agricultural Water Contamination
These toxic injuries can be confined to individual residences or can be wide spread throughout communities. If a family member or others have had a toxic injury by a product in your home or community, call a toxic tort lawyer from Balkin Law Group .
Industrial Toxic Torts
Industrial workers are much more likely to contract harmful diseases from toxic materials than the general public. Though all of us are exposed to trace amounts of harmful materials on an almost daily basis in the world around us, industrial workers have routine contact to harmful chemicals and other toxic materials. If you have been exposed to hazardous materials while working as an industrial worker and are experiencing health problems, call a toxic tort lawyer at Balkin Law Group .
Common Toxic Materials
There are countless hazardous materials and chemicals, some of the most common ones are:
- Lead: Lead was a common ingredient in paint until it was linked to serious health problems. Lead poisoning can damage your liver, brain, and kidneys. These affects are often worse in children.
- Mercury: Mercury can produce many symptoms similar to autism. The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of mercury the victim is exposed to.
- Benzene: Benzene can cause the red blood cell deficiency anemia, and even leukemia.
- Silica: Silica can cause the lung disease silicosis
- Vinyl Chloride: This can be a major contributor to liver cancer.
- Manganese: Manganism is a disease caused by extreme exposure to manganese that results in many psychiatric, neurological, and motor function problems. Manganism is much more common among arc welders than the general public.
- Asbestos: Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that has many industrial and consumer applications. Asbestos causes mesothelioma (a rare form of cancer), asbestosis (a non-cancerous lung disease) and lung cancer.
- Toxic Mold: Common in residences with persistent water damage, it can lead to illness and cognitive difficulties.
Have you been exposed to toxic materials?
You need a toxic tort lawyer!
Balkin Law Group has years of experience with toxic tort cases, particularly when dealing with asbestos and pharmaceutical cases. If you have contracted a disease from exposure to toxic materials, trust a proven winner. Call a toxic tort lawyer from Balkin Law Group today for a free case evaluation.